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关于Primera Signature打印机系列免费升级服务通知
日期:2023-01-13 10:43:37 来源:宏兹(企业)  浏览次数:16次


                                                         Announcement of free upgrade and maintain


Honorific Chinese End- users,

按美国 Primera 原厂指示,上海宏兹实业有限公司作为 Primera Signature 系列打印机在中国(含香港)独家代理,将于 2016 年 8 月开始对市场上通过正规 渠道采购的所有 Signature 打号设备开展免费升级维护。

In agreement with the USA manufacturer, Shanghai Huntz Enterprise Co .Ltd , as authorized distributor in China (including Hong Kong ) of Primera Signature printers, will offer to upgrade all installed such printers bought through regular channel, free of charge, as at August 2016.

请您务必于 8 月 15 日前,将下面回执发回,以便及时安排服务。我们从美 国原厂接受专业培训的工程师将根据您的回执及服务档案,制订专属于您的升级服务计划,并于 8 月 30 日前与您确认具体行程。

In order to make plan please return the followed reply-slip before August 15th.Our engineers will work out particular service plan according your reply slip and historic service records, and confirm the exact date with you before August 30.

服务电话 Hotline for service:400 885 5018

维修直线 Direct Line for service :027-81786045 /021-68620216

Primera Asia &Pacific 上海宏兹实业有限公司                                                                  Shanghai Huntz Enterprises Co., Ltd.

Managing Director 总经理                                                                                          技术服务部 Technical Service Dept.

Callum  Hingston                                                                                                       王建良 Elmer Wang

回执 Reply Slip



Shanghai Huntz Inc. SVD,


We are happy to accept your upgrade service, please arrange the practical plan. Following is the related information:


打号机 Type: 设备编号 Serial number:

安装日期 Ins. date: 希望服务时间 S.T , desire:

设备科负责人及签字 Head of Equipment Department & Signature &Date:

病理科主任 Director of pathology department &Signature &Date:

病理技术主管 Technical Supervisor & Signature &Date:

日常操作人员、电话及签名 Daily operator、telephone &Signature:

填单人 Filling in forms:

日期 Date:

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